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Dostupné formáty Pirates Zabezpečené skenování : 05/18/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD

Pirates 1986

Pirates 1986

Přehled: Captain Red runs a hardy pirate ship with the able assistance of Frog, a dashing young French sailor. One day Capt. Red is captured and taken aboard a Spanish galleon, but thanks to his inventiveness, he raises the crew to mutiny, takes over the ship, and kidnaps the niece of the governor of Maracaibo. The question is, can he keep this pace up?

Hodinky Upoutávka Uvolnění: Runtime: 124 minut Kvalitní: HD IMDb: 4.794 / 10 podle 248 uživatelů Popularita: 19.061 Rozpočet: $40000000 Příjmy: $1641825 Jazyk: English, Français, Español



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