Fish Show You

Fish Show You
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Formate disponibile Fish Show You Scanare sigură : 04/28/2024 Ceas HD Descarca HD
Fish Show You

Fish Show You

Fish Show You 2023

Prezentare generală:An Xin Er comes from a rich family, but suffers from ichthyosis and is tortured by this disease. She was deceived by her scumbag boyfriend, who put her in danger, and she accidentally falls into the sea. Fortunately, she is rescued by Yu Sheng, an alien from the planet Kepler, and a legendary merman. As the king of the sea, Yu Sheng is simple, kind and naive.

Ceas Remorcă Prima dată de difuzare: Jun 15, 2023 Data ultimei difuzări: Jun 28, 2023 Sezon: 1 Sezon Episod: 18 Episod Runtime: 45:14 minute Calitate: HD IMDb: 10 / 10 de 0 utilizatori Popularitate: 11.936 Limba: zh



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