The Emperor's New Groove

The Emperor's New Groove
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Elýeterli formatlar The Emperor's New Groove Howpsuz skaner : 04/28/2024 Serediň HD Göçürip al HD
The Emperor's New Groove

The Emperor's New Groove 2000

The Emperor's New Groove 2000

Gysgaça syn: Kuzco is a self-centered emperor who summons Pacha from a village and to tell him that his home will be destroyed to make room for Kuzco's new summer home. Kuzco's advisor, Yzma, tries to poison Kuzco and accidentally turns him into a llama, who accidentally ends up in Pacha's village. Pacha offers to help Kuzco if he doesn't destroy his house, and so they form an unlikely partnership.

Serediň Trailer Boşat: Iş wagty: 78 minut Hil: HD IMDb: 3.441 / 10 tarapyndan 6411 ulanyjylar Meşhurlyk: 88.623 Býudjet: $100000000 Girdeji: $169327687 Dil: English



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